Safe to Trade: What’s behind the sticker

4 years ago | 1 min

The staggered Government reopening stages have begun, with hospitality allowed in outside spaces and further COVID-19 restrictions being lifted over the coming months. Whilst this does not signal the end of social distancing measures or the end of the pandemic in its entirety, it has allowed restaurants, hotels and other parts of the hospitality industry to look forward to a return to relative normality.

Some parts of the food industry and hospitality of course have remained open during the last few months. In the case of hospitality many businesses have transitioned to takeaway, online or other permitted activities. Generally, the food sector has shown itself to be resilient, innovative and trustworthy in a uniquely challenging period. Food retailers promptly brought in practical and visible precautions to safeguard their customers, staff and supply chains. Many retailers and hospitality businesses which had remained open also took a range of actions to help and better serve their communities.

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